Is Noise the Key to Artificial General Intelligence?

The term "noise" has negative connotations, both in vernacular usage and in scientific contexts. Noise is the number one enemy of engineers. For empirical scientists, random noise is undesirable measurement variability when fluctuations cannot be eliminated from experiments. However, in the last thirty years a multidisciplinary field has emerged that has been exploring the counterintuitive benefits of noise. Stochastic resonance describes very broadly signal-processing noise benefits.
Let's take hearing as an example. We each have an auditory threshold, and if a sound is below this threshold we cannot hear it. However, if we add the right amount of noise to a weak sound it can often be detected by our brains. This is because our hearing threshold is a nonlinear detection device. This means that the output of the auditory neurons does not vary in a straightforward way with the input. The figure below illustrates the concept of stochastic resonance.
By Matt Hall - Own work
Left: a weak sine wave below the detection threshold. Right: noise added to the wave boosts information about the wave above the threshold.
Source: By Matt Hall - Own work
Stochastic resonance has been shown to benefit information processing and signal detection in nonlinear systems in a broad range of natural and manmade systems.  In a review on the physics of stochastic resonance, Wellens suggested that we stop treating noise like a nuisance to be fought and eliminated, and instead begin exploring the benefits of noise. In general there are good reasons to believe that noise plays a central, necessary and beneficial role in the human brain. Likewise for machine intelligence, noise could be exploited in a similar way in learning algorithms. Could noise also be the key to developing artificial general intelligence?
By Jorge Stolfi - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0
Source: By Jorge Stolfi - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0
More narrowly, stochastic resonance typically describes an improvement in some metric of nonlinear system output, like sign-to-noise ratio (SNR) or mutual information, when the optimal noise intensity is added to the input. In nonlinear systems, noise can enhance sub-threshold signal detection and even enhance suprathreshold signal detection.
A fundamental conundrum that stochastic resonance addresses is the brute fact that noise is ubiquitous in the environment, biological systems and the brain. Given this fact, it would indeed fly in the face of what we know from evolution that biological systems would not have evolved adaptations to noise. A more efficient approach to handling noise in biological systems is perhaps exploiting it, as the theory of stochastic resonance predicts, rather than fighting it. Because of the robustness of stochastic resonance phenomenon in a wide variety of domains a key debate in neuroscience is whether the brain itself exploits internal neural noise via stochastic resonance. Because noise and signal are externally added in experimental settings, noise benefits in these studies are only direct evidence that the systems under investigation are nonlinear. A definitive demonstration of neural stochastic resonance in vivo remains elusive.
The fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning have in recent years shifted focus from solving modality specific learning, perceptual and motor problems, to working on general learning algorithms that can handle data from any modality. The goal of artificial general intelligence is to create an autonomous agent that can actively interact with its environment, reason about its own program code, and make improvements without the assistance of human programmers. This type of system would require embodiment along with perceptual sensors that mimic the behavior and information generation capabilities of biological sensors. Stochastic resonance likely plays a central role in bio-sensing as natural creatures must navigate in noisy and uncertain environments. It is also possible that stochastic resonance is exploited during cross-modality information fusion at the level of conscious awareness. Artificial intelligence has returned to its original ambitions of creating an artificial mind with general adaptive intelligence.
Even though the concepts of artificial neural networks are decades old, the next generation of neural-inspired approaches like reinforcement learning, deep learning and unsupervised feature learning have advanced computer vision, natural language processing, game playing and speech recognition. Reinforcement learning is a well-established theory of hippocampal memory formation and dopaminergic reward-based learning. DeepMind recently used a general deep learning and reinforcement learning architecture to develop a system that learned how to exceed human performance in video games with no training.
The recent advances in learning algorithms through neuroscientific insight have also returned the study of the brain to a prominent position in artificial intelligence. There is renewed optimism in machine learning and artificial intelligence that understanding how the brain solves intelligence will lead to rapid advances in machine intelligence (see commentary by Hassabis).  Indeed the fields of artificial intelligence and neuroscience are developing a symbiotic relationship in which theoretical and empirical breakthroughs in one field can lead directly to breakthroughs in the other. Could the next breakthrough in either field come from stochastic resonance?
In parallel but largely independently of mainstream machine learning, over the last twenty years within physics and related fields neural network models have been developed that theoretically demonstrate the plausibility of stochastic resonance as a mechanism by which nonlinear threshold devices like neurons detect weak signals.  Furthermore, in model networks of coupled neuronal oscillators, noise has been found to aid in the onset of network synchronization – a phenomenon called coherence resonance. This work is primarily carried out by physicists and electrical engineers interested in studying how stochastic resonance and coherence resonance affect synchronization phenomena in networks of nonlinear dynamical systems.
Interestingly, the beneficial role of noise has also long been recognized in machine learning, for example adding noise to synaptic weights enhances fault tolerance, generalization and the learning trajectory in multilayer perceptron learning. It is widely appreciated that additive noise improves learning and generalization performance in learning algorithms. This work has likely been inadvertently discovering evidence of stochastic resonance.
In biology, psychology and neuroscience evidence for stochastic resonance in human and animal central nervous systems is widespread. Background auditory noise improves cognitive performance in children with attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder, possibly by modulating the gain function of dopamine neurons through stochastic resonance. The optimal auditory noise level induces synchronization within and between cortical sources of EEG activity when perceiving subthreshold tones. Ubiquitous cross-modal stochastic resonance effects have been observed in humans: auditory noise facilitates tactile, visual and proprioceptive sensations. Stochastic resonance has been demonstrated in binocular rivalry. Electrical noise improves the ability of the paddlefish in detecting plankton swarms.  Kellogg and Tay showed that extrinsic noise allows populations of cells to entrain robustly under a wider range of inputs thus facilitating transcription control for gene expression. Noise may play a central role in consciousness and decision making.
In biomedical engineering, stochastic resonance has been found to reduce gait variability in the elderly and to help prevent falls. Additive noise enhances the performance of EEG-based augmented cognition systems. Stochastic whole body vibrations reduce symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.
The term "stochastic resonance" was first introduced in 1981 by Benzi as a mechanism by which random perturbations in Earth’s climate together with the eccentricity of its orbit cause the climate to switch from warm to cool phases in a 100,000 year cycle. While this explanation for the oscillations between ice ages and warm periods is still unproven, stochastic resonance has since been well-established in a huge variety of natural phenomena and nonlinear systems.
Learning algorithms based on reinforcement learning try to optimize reward. There exists a large literature modelling both dopaminergic reward-based learning and hippocampal memory formation using variants of reinforcement learning. Neurophysiologically inspired robotic cognitive control using reinforcement learning has been used to successfully handle environmental uncertainty. The DeepMind algorithm is directly inspired by hippocampal memory replay, which is thought to involve the sequential reactivation of hippocampal place cells that represent previously experienced behavioral trajectories.  Interestingly, there are several models of dopamine function and hippocampal CA1 neurons that find evidence of stochastic resonance improving signal detection. Computational modelling has shown that dopaminergic neurons and of hippocampal neurons likely benefit from the presence of noise, either endogenously or from external sources.
The brain is still far better at many learning tasks compared to computers. If we can understand how the brain exploits stochastic resonance we may be able to improve machine learning. And conversely if we can use stochastic resonance to improve artificial learning algorithms we will be in a better theoretical position to solve how the brain uses noise. A convergence in these two lines of research, noise benefits and deep or reinforcement learning, could yield advances in both artificial intelligence and neuroscience. In fact, the DeepMind reinforcement learning algorithm introduces a novel feature that randomizes over the data, thereby removing correlations in the observation sequence and smoothing over changes in the data distribution. This kind of additive noise benefit might be further exploited by explicitly using the well-established mathematical concepts of stochastic resonance together with reinforcement learning. Future research should focus on synthesizing these lines of research to develop novel algorithms that are robust to uncertainty and take advantage of nature’s most plentiful untapped resource: noise.


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